Teacher takes on 28th marathon for charity

A RETIRED teacher from Chichester has raised £300 for a Heyshott based assistance dog charity.

Jan Barnes raised the sum for Canine Partners by completing her 28th marathon in Warsaw, Poland.

The 69 year old completed the 26.2-mile route in five hours 21 minutes.

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Jan chose to run for Canine Partners after black labrador Misty, the family dog, died.

She has raised more than £15,000 by completing marathons for charity.

Jan said: “Canine Partners create happy lives for 
owners with amazingly talented dogs.

“I am in awe of their achievements.

“It provided me with that extra incentive to complete the distance.

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“The marathon organisers were brilliant, with 
ample supplies of refreshments, 10,000 runners all catered for during 
the event.

“I thought I was going to melt at times but arriving in the National Stadium gave me energy to run the final stretch!

“I hope donations will exceed the target.”

Canine Partners, which was founded in 1990, trains dogs to help with everyday tasks people with disabilites would otherwise find difficult, painful or impossible, including opening doors, undressing, pressing buttons, and fetching dropped items.

The dogs increase independence, confidence, and provide loving companionship.

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These life-transforming dogs also provide practical, physiological, psychological and social benefits including increased motivation and self esteem.

A canine partner also brings a sense of security and increases social interaction.