Scaynes Hill

Scaynes Hill newsScaynes Hill news
Scaynes Hill news
Best wishes: I hope you all have a lovely and peaceful Christmas and get to spend quality time with family, friends and loved ones. This year I lost my Dad and for me it was devastating and life changing. The changes have been for the best and I am hoping that my new found contentment will continue to flourish in 2017. I wish the same for you all and that 2017 will be happy and healthy. Be daring and try something new!

Barn Dance: There will be a great night of fun and entertainment on Saturday 14 January 2017. There will be a Barn Dance at the Millennium Centre starting at 7.30pm until 23.00pm. The cost is just £12.00 for Adults and £6.00 for under 13’s. The ticket price includes a Fish and Chip Supper. What better way is there to brighten up January and blow away the post Christmas blues? If you are interested tickets can be purchased from Dianne Telephone 01444 831676

Heat for Health: This is a local partnership initiative designed to help people understand the link between a warm home and healthy living, and provide help to those that need help because they are without heating, their home is difficult to heat or they would like to save money on their fuel bills.

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Drop in sessions - are planned for families with Children under five, in Meridian Hall on 21 December between 10.00 - 11.30am (please book with the local Children and Family Centre). More sessions have been planned for next year at the Community Cafe Rawson Hall, Bolney on 13 January between 10.00am and midday and another at the Family Coffee morning in the Village Hall, Fulking between 10.00am and 11.30am. Visit for news of other events as they become available. Heat for Health can be contacted on 01444 477191 or [email protected] - or you can pick up a paid reply card you can fill in to request information and help. These will be available in local GP surgeries, Parish, Town and District Council offices, local libraries and any other venues which have opted to provide them, commencing Monday 19 December. If you think you have a venue that could help promote the Heat for Health initiative please drop in or ring up for the following: -

Free room card thermometers - which allow you to see what the temperature is where you sit in the evening and where you sleep. No more arguments between the man and woman of the house about what the temperature of the room really is and advice about what is a healthy temperature and what is too cold or too hot!

A West Sussex County Council information booklet Stay Well This Winter which gives lots of helpful hints about creating a warm home giving details of grants and other financial help available to do this and switching tariffs or providers.

An NHS booklet in the Stay Well This Winter series, which gives information about the link between warmth and health, especially for those living with a long term ill-health condition. It encourages people to have the flu jab, not to breathe in cold air and not to stay still for too long a period, to name just three things you can do to help yourself.

Leaflets and posters and paid reply cards.

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Could the Heat for Health initiative benefit you or your clients/patients/parishioners?

New Houses: The Mid Sussex District Council Planning Officer has recommended approval of the outline planning application for the proposed development for 51 new dwellings on the site behind the Inn on the Green. This is to be considered by the Planning Committee on 7th December for a final decision. If the application is approved a Full Planning Application will need to be submitted & approved before building can begin.

St Augustine’s Church News: Christmas Services. Christmas Eve 24 December - 5:00pm - 6:30pm: Children’s Crib Service. 11:15pm - 0:30am on Christmas Day: Midnight Communion. Christmas Day 25 December - 10:00am - 11:00am: Sung Eucharist with Sunday Club. 6:00pm - 6:45pm: Kairos Evening Service. New Year’s Day 1 January 2017 - 8:00am - 8:30am: Said Eucharist. 10:00am - 11:00am: Sung Eucharist with Sunday Club

Church Ceiling: The church is planning to carry out much-needed repairs to the ceiling during January 2017. These repairs will require the church to be closed for about 3 weeks. The Annex will remain available to use. The existing ceiling is cracked and thermally inefficient. Following a meeting with the architect and the builder this week, St Augustine’s can now confirm that 10.00am services will be held in St Augustine’s School, beginning on Sunday 8 January. The 8.00am Communion Service on Sunday 15 January will be in the Annex and the usual life of the church will carry on as normal. Together everyone can make this change work well for the time it is necessary.

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The Sloop: On New Year’s Eve there will be a very special banquet dinner, followed by a disco. In all there are 7 courses and they all look magnificent. The cost is just £70.00 and you will get a New Year to Remember.

W.I.: Scaynes Hill WI would like to thank all who attended /volunteered at our Christmas market Saturday 3rd December and made it such a success. We had a great selection of stalls, beautiful jewellery and pearls, super crafts, some excellent refreshments including: hot sausage rolls, delicious, homemade soup, an array of cakes (including gluten free)!! All was accompanied by the very festive Scaynes Hill Community choir. A true village event.

2017: Ever thought about joining the WI and then thought it wasn’t for you. Scaynes Hill WI is a friendly, thriving WI, with ladies of all different age groups and backgrounds. We currently have 39 members mainly from the village but from further afield too.

Main Meeting: We hold various meetings throughout the month but our main members meeting is the second Wednesday, from 2.00-4.00pm at the Millennium Centre in Scaynes Hill. At this meeting we normally have a visiting speaker, whose subjects can range from: Knitting (from sheep to the garment), Ghosts of Sussex, Spiders and Creepy Crawlies in South America, Life at the BBC, making chocolate to silver jewellery and so much more. We try to cater for a wide range of tastes, and have all learned so much about many different topics.

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Lunch Club: We sometimes have a lunch club, on the third Wednesday of the month and go to different venues.

Craft Group: On the fourth Wednesday of the month, from 2.00-4.00pm, we hold a fantastic craft group. This is really well attended and is growing all the time. All abilities are very welcome. However, if you feel you are not really a crafty person, then it’s just a great opportunity to get together for a chat and of course there is always cake and biscuits. We also have some special projects which we are quite proud of, some these are: Making Twiddle Muffs for dementia patients in the locality, pads for children in hospital who are being fed by tube, heart shaped cushions for breast cancer patients (in liaison with the Macmillian team at the Princess Royal hospital) and hats and scarves for the homeless! Lots of new skills are learned and rusty ones brought back into use! We have a lot of fun and laughter as well as doing lots for good causes.

Also: We help out at the village flower show, hold a successful Christmas market every year and have coach trips every summer, this year to Kensington Palace. Finally, although we are more modern in our approach these days, we are still very proud to carry on the WI traditions, some of us can even make jam and have won prizes at the South of England Show (we do sing Jerusalem at the start of our main meetings and don’t worry words are provided and it doesn’t matter if you can’t sing or you can’t cook). We would love to welcome new members. You can to come along for two meetings as a visitor and pay on the third visit if you like us.

The annual subscription for 2017 is £39, which gives you access to all our meetings, activities and some great friendships. We think this is amazing value and as we always say ‘The WI is what you make it’. If you are interested about finding out more about the WI, please contact:

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Fiona on 01444 891217 Or Sue on 01444 831786 Also take a look at our Facebook page - Scaynes Hill WI

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