RAIL STRIKE: Commuters take to social media to express their views

Rail newsRail news
Rail news
As rail commuters faced delays and cancellations for this morning's trip to work, many have taken to social media to express their feelings about the second day of industrial action.

Twitter has been the main vehicle for commuter commenting, with one person writing: “Delays, overcrowding and cancellations: don’t know why there’s so much fuss about the #southernstrike , it’s the regular everyday service!”

Another passenger Tweeted: “Got straight on train, loads of seats, more of this please. #southernstrike #commuting”

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Joshua Murray-Nevill wrote: “So far on #southernstrike, all the trains have been on time, the staff are overly courteous. Crowded but bearable - more so than usual.”

In fact many comments have focused on services being better than nornal, such as: “So far, so good re #southernstrike. Pleasant three-mile walk to 1st stn with trains. 0640 half-empty. SEAT. Into Vic. Tube hop to work. Fine”

But this hasn’t been the case for many.

Rachel has Tweeted: “Delays, overcrowding and cancellations: don’t know why there’s so much fuss about the #southernstrike , it’s the regular everyday service!”

Kylie Anderson commented about being an ‘hour late for work already!’

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