Details for 300 Climping homes approved

The layout of the 300 homes In Climping. Image: Arun plansThe layout of the 300 homes In Climping. Image: Arun plans
The layout of the 300 homes In Climping. Image: Arun plans
Detailed plans for 300 homes in Climping have been approved by Arun District Council.

They were deferred in September for not including enough information about play areas within the scheme and unknown harm to existing community assets, now gaining approval from the council’s planning committee at a meeting on Wednesday, December 13.

The detailed plans were determining drainage, parking, open spaces, and play spaces and ancillary works, for 300 homes and a new community building on land between Horsemere Lane and Church Lane.

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Following amendments, the scheme now includes details of one 569sqm locally equipped play area (LEAP) and six local areas of play (LAP) ranging from 104 sqm to 233sqm, and a minimum of six pieces of equipment for a fitness trail along the west of the development.