Sussex MP criticised for sharing tweet which implies women is being arrested for praying

Maria Caulfield, Conservative MP for the Lewes constituency, re-tweeted a video of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce being arrested outside an abortion clinic in Birmingham.Maria Caulfield, Conservative MP for the Lewes constituency, re-tweeted a video of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce being arrested outside an abortion clinic in Birmingham.
Maria Caulfield, Conservative MP for the Lewes constituency, re-tweeted a video of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce being arrested outside an abortion clinic in Birmingham.
A Sussex-based Tory minister has stood by her decision to share a video which falsely implies a woman was arrested for praying outside an abortion clinic.

Maria Caulfield, Conservative MP for the Lewes constituency, re-tweeted a video of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce being arrested outside an abortion clinic in Birmingham.

The tweet, posted originally by journalist Mary Margaret Olohan, implies that Isabel was arrested for silently praying, when in fact she was charged with breaching an exclusion zone outside the clinic.

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Ms Caulfield wrote on Twitter: “People told me I was exaggerating when I said Christians would be arrested on the streets of England with the buffer zone legislation. A Christian country at Christmas and police arresting some for saying a silent prayer.”