Pulborough woman with Cerebal Palsy to complete triathalon challenge

Lara is completing a virtual triathalonLara is completing a virtual triathalon
Lara is completing a virtual triathalon
A Pulborough woman, with Cerebal Palsy, is taking part in a virtual ‘Triathalon Challenge’ to raise money for her team’s trip to the sailing World Championships.

Lara Sturgis is a keen sailor and part of the Hansa Class UK team who are already preparing for the 2023 Hansa World Championships in Portugal.

Lara is undertaking a physically demanding challenge and asking for sponsorship which will go towards the team’s trip to the World Championship.

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She said: “I have Cerebral Palsy which affects my ability to walk. I am embarking on a virtual triathlon covering the distance from my home in Pulborough to Twickenham Stadium – the home of England Rugby. I have chosen Twickenham as my destination as Rugby is another one of my passions. This will involve me cycling 44km using an arm bike, 26.4km using a leg bike, and swimming 17.6km – a grand total of 88.8km!

"I am raising funds to support the Hansa Class UK team who will compete at the World Championships next year. The type of boat I sail is a Hansa 2.3 – it has a heavy keel to keep the boat stable and unlikely to capsize which gives me confidence while sailing! As a person with a disability, I can compete at a sport which I love. All funds raised will be a huge help to the charity who do so much to support our team. I have set myself a challenge which will be difficult and a target of raising £1000 – with hard work and everyone’s support, I know I can reach it!”

Lara began the challenge on Tuesday, August 29.

Sailing at international events is exciting and together with the team, Lara will be training hard over the coming months. The UK team will be sending boats, a coach and support staff to the event which comes at a cost. The team are raising money to ensure that they have the best possible opportunities at the regatta.

Hansa Class UK is a small sailing charity and strives to achieve efficient manufacturing procedures, minimal waste, and minimise negative impacts on the environment.

To support Lara and her team, visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/lara-sturgis-triathlon

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