Parents protest over unlucky 13

PARENTS are protesting after 13 Shoreham Beach children haven't been offered places at the local first school from next year.

Shoreham Beach First School is due to become a primary from September, 2008, taking children aged from four to 11 under a shake-up of first and middle school education in Adur.

This means it will take one class of 30 pupils a year rather than the current two classes of 20.

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Last week, letters were received by parents indicating allocated school places from next September and 13 found their children had not been given a space at Shoreham Beach First.

One of the parents, Katy Sayers, of Seahaven Gardens, said: "Any childdren who live west of River Close next to Beach Green have been allocated places elsewhere, which means about half of the beach have been excluded even though we live in the catchment area.

"My four-year-old son has been given a place at Shoreham First School, which is obviously further away. Others who didn't put a second choice are being sent to Kingston Buci First School in Middle Road, which is even further away and due to close and merge with Buckingham Middle in September, 2008, which means they will go to their new school for a year before changing to another.

"I have heard that two families living in River Close have got places at Shoreham Beach First, while two other neighbouring families haven't got their children in. It is so unfair. Historically, it has been extremely rare for a child living on the Beach to be refused entry to the school.

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"Sadly, now we will be contributing to the traffic and carbon problems by driving into the town to deliver our children to school, instead of walking."

The parents are writing individual protest letters to the county council to appeal against the decision.

A county council spokeswoman said: "The catchment area for Shoreham Beach First School has not changed '“ it is the number of places on offer. This will have been an agreed decision between the school governors and the county council.