LETTER: Will of people must be upheld

The initial successful challenge led by Gina Miller (who?) to Brexit has united two more groups, the Determinants (Our way at all costs ) and the Polcorters (Politically correct terrorists ).

But regardless of Brexit, the issue is more fundamental for it calls into question the whole reason and aspect of any referendum, consultation or vote however you want to dress it up. If you want an opinion then you need to make this clear at the start, similarly if you want ideas again clarity of purpose. If it’s anything else why bother to pretend its our version of democracy? Added to which any people consultation costs money but for what if it’s only ticking the box.

So what about voting on anything at any time ... is it worthwhile, has it a point or is it a marketing exercise and saving our elected representatives from completing their own surveys? Will it change anything or let’s go round and round until we get it right according to ...!

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The will of the people (if you allow them to express it) has to be upheld or take it away from them at the start.

Our enemies everywhere must be smiling that the Grand Design may be shaking without their help.

However, 1688 was a warning year but also perhaps it’s a case of ‘They are ringing their bells now but soon I shall be wringing their necks’.

So barricade or shelter? Which is best ... am I allowed to decide?

Rod Colley

Corsica Hall, Seaford

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