SIR PETER BOTTOMLEY: Build bridges, not walls

Sir Peter BottomleySir Peter Bottomley
Sir Peter Bottomley
This week's special parliamentary session in memory of our colleague Jo Cox included every member wearing a white rose. This recognised that she was a Yorkshire lass.

Our history includes the Wars of the Roses, with battles between kings from Lancaster (the red rose) and from York.

I am Parliamentary Warden of St Margaret’s Church, Parliament Square, the Parish Church for the House of Commons.

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On Monday the Speaker led the Commons and Lords to the Jo Cox service. Within hours of her sad death I had suggested that would be appropriate.

A former Labour Member of Parliament, Jo’s friend for 18 years, sat beside me.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, gave a moving address based on the Bible reading. The congregation included Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus, Humanists and Christians of every denomination – people united, not separated.

Jo knew that every day a Member of Parliament can make a difference to the lives of others.

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