
Ninfield & Hooe newsNinfield & Hooe news
Ninfield & Hooe news

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Clocks Back this Saturday!: It's now time to '˜Fall Backwards' in time terms.. and gain that extra hour in bed on Sunday morning, which those of us who are attending the Halloween Ball at the Memorial Hall in Ninfield will thoroughly appreciate! As I said last week, it's a stupendous week of events in the Village, starting with the Bonfire and Firework display last Saturday evening and culminating with a Fangtastic Night of Food, Fun and Frights this Saturday from 7.30pm. And, I have to say...we have a lot to live up to, because the Fireworks put on by the Bonfire Society were absolutely stunning - the best ever! Photographs taken on the night and put up on Social Media, although lovely, really couldn't do it justice; you really had to be there to see the beautiful designs created by John Wilson, the Bonfire Socs. technician. Many thanks and congratulations to Pete (Chairman) and Carol, and all their committee; and to the Blacksmiths who created a great atmosphere in the car park of the pub, and served up some very tasty Bbq meals, it's so good that Jack has joined in the Village antics with such enthusiasm! So, the Ball this Saturday, and all is set for another Spooky Special; with the Heidi Burson Band bringing Motown to Ninfield; Curries, Chilli, Pies, Roasts and Spuds; Racy Roulette & Gourd Games and a Grand Raffle, with a Witchy Weathervane and Delux Hamper included in the prizes - Oh, and the Vampires are making a surprise visit...! All to raise money for the Memorial Hall next phase refurb. If you haven't got a ticket...get to the stores might be lucky!

Youngsters Halloween Parade & Disco: Today- Friday 28th, start at the Sparke Pavilion from 4pm - and ending with a Disco in the Memorial Hall from 5-6.15pm. Stacey Boarer has taken on this event I’m pleased to say; after 13 years it was time to hand over the witches hat! So, just so everyone in the Village knows.. THIS is the organised parade that people have now come to expect, with teams of youngsters, accompanied by adults, going round the roads trick-or-treating, gathering sweets and, hopefully a few pennies towards the Memorial Hall refurbishment fund- it was thought better to do it in the Half term week, much more enjoyable! If you don’t want anyone to call at your door please put a clear sign up and your wishes will be respected. Thank you!

Ninfield Methodist Church Event- Friendship Friday: Today 29th October,from 2.15-3.45pm In the Methodist Church hall. The Methodists are thrilled to be able to run another of these gatherings when you can go along for tea and a natter with friends, and play a game of scrabble, draughts or do a jig saw. Everyone is very welcome, and they are looking forward to seeing you!

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Ninfield Parish Council: Meet on Thursday 3rd November, 7.15pm in the Methodist Hall, Church Lane. There will, as usual, be a packed agenda, with updates on the Wealden Local Plan: the new allocation for house building throughout the area. Ninfield was originally allocated 250 houses as it’s supposed share of the necessary mass build, and for the last six months the Parish Council have been fighting hard, by attending meetings and presenting their case, for a much lower figure. The plan is due to be released for viewing on the 1st of November:-it will be a sleepless night on true Halloween for that reason alone! All fingers are crossed! Do come to the meeting on the 3rd; items on the agenda are important, relevant and sometimes frustrating, but there is always a good humour in the hall, and debates are interesting and fruitful. Call Jackie the Clerk, on 07725843505 for more details, or email [email protected].

Names for Sparke Pavilion: And ..remember, the closing date for votes to get to the Clerk - for the naming of rooms in the new Sparke Pavilion - is Friday 4th November. There are 8 names in the frame, and it is hoped that more than one will be used to head up a changing room or meeting area. The nominations are - Cynthia Pettet, Jim Hoad, Peter Holland, Eddie Cocksedge, Ted Hills, Alf Sage, Bill Mephan, and Roger Kent. All these people have given so much to the Village, and their lists of attributations are on all the notice boards and in the Lower Street Stores. Please get your votes in to Jackie on the above mobile number or by email, by the 4th!

Primary School Parent Helpers: Friday 4th November sees the Mums of Ninfield Primary School joining together to run a Christmas Shopping Coffee Morning at the Blacksmiths Inn from 9-11.30am. Vicky Anderson has organised lots of lovely stalls, including Cosmetics, Jewellery, Cakes and children’s books, for early Xmas present buying! This is a great new idea and it’s raising much needed funds for the school and facilities for the children there. Please support the fabulous Mums who are keeping the profile of the School alive and vibrant!

Church Services: Methodist Church - Sunday 30th October - 10.30am Service of Worship and Praise with David Hanson. Then in the late afternoon from 5 - 7pm - ‘A Shetland Visit and More’ - an Illustrated talk with Revd Ian Pruden including a Bring & Share Tea.

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Parish Church: No Service at St Mary’s Ninfield - 11-15am at St Oswald’s Hooe - Combined Family Service..

Defibrillators: Can be found for 24/7/365 emergency aid - on the entrance/front walls of the Kings Arms PH Ninfield, and the Red Lion PH Hooe. If you have to access one quickly, don’t panic, there are easy to follow instructions therein

And Finally!: The nights may now be drawing in, with Christmas suddenly on the Horizon, but there’s no stopping the fabulous events and frivolities that are still being organised for fun and fundraising. One that needs an early Heads Up is the Homemade Fayre at the Memorial Hall on Saturday 26th November. This is a lovely day, with lots of stalls selling crafts and goods made by residents of Ninfield, and the range is just amazing! As is the talent of the people creating such beautiful things. If you’re looking for different and personal Christmas goodies, do make a date in your diary to go to this event; more details nearer the time! Keep in touch, please give me a call on 893699, 07970650321 or email [email protected]... or you can meet me on a branch for a Tweet and Twitter..@guard-jane! Thank you, x

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