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GREETINGS: Did you survive the 'winter?' It's quite interesting how different the world looks when all that is usually green has become white. My little red car was a small white igloo early on Sunday morning.

CHURCH NEWS: The 9.30 am service on Sunday, Septuagesima and Epiphany 3, will be Matins, led by George Ford. This Sunday is designated as Education Sunday. Monday 25th is recognised as the conversion of Paul, and the following day his companions Titus and Timothy. Wednesday 27th is commemorated as Holocaust Memorial Day. We remember Thomas Aquinas on Thursday 28th and Charles, King and Martyr in 1649 on Saturday 30th.

WEATHER: As already mentioned, an interesting look to the world greeted us on Sunday morning. Do you suppose that was our winter? As the snow was preceded by the hardest frost so far, probably there will be some casualties among our unseasonably early flowers.

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MURDER MYSTERY: The performance tomorrow is SOLD OUT, which is good news if you already have a ticket, not so good if you were hoping to go. It begins at 7.30 pm promptly please. If you are able to help with the “in-house” catering, please come to the Memorial Hall from 1 pm. The Robin Hood has generously sponsored the evening. Any donations of raffle prizes would be appreciated. This is another New Pavilion fund raising event.

PANTOMIME: Icklesham Players in collaboration with Acting-up in Rye will present Dick Wittington in the Memorial Hall on 12th and 13th February. The evening performances will be at 7.30 pm and a Saturday Matinee at 2.30 pm. Tickets are £6.50 for adults and £4.50 for children. These are available from the Village Store or by phoning Brian Pitt on 814 118. These two groups work very well together - remember Smile Boys last year.

QUEEN’S HEAD: The live music on Sunday is probably going to be played by Lumpy and the Lumpettes, although this has yet to be confirmed.

SCHOOL NEWS: Everyone is focussing on Dedication.. Whether this is developing good learning habits, trying new activities or sport, or learning to play an instrument. Gracie and Amaro played in assembly last week. Lily and Noah will have organised a visit from Learning Ambassadors from 9 schools, and showed the visitors round the school.They have come to find out about the successful learning habits at Icklesham School.

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The Head teacher’s awards this week go to , Caterpillars, Michael; Spiders, Jacob; Dragonflies, Amaro; Bees, Tommy and Ned. Bees class won the attendance award. The class awards go to Caterpillars, Renn and Poppy; Spiders, Fredy and Mable; Dragonflies, Joel and Jolie; Bees, Gracie and Billy. Well done everybody.

CONTACT: Please keep information about events, or reports or any other interesting gossip coming my way. It is a fairly quiet time of year, when hibernation seems like a good idea.

AND FINALLY: Hope you have a good week and are able to keep warm. And go along to the Village Store, It is well worth fighting for.

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