Hellingly and Horsebridge

Hellingly & Horsebridge newsHellingly & Horsebridge news
Hellingly & Horsebridge news
MOTHERING SUNDAY SERVICES: 8am Holy Communion, St Peter and St Paul, Hellingly, 10.45am Family Worship. Holy Trinity Church on Coldharbour Road at 9.15am.

GARDENING CLUB: Hellingly Church. Monday April 3, 9.30am to noon. Contact Pat Booth on 01323 844511. Prepare the Easter garden plot. Please bring your own tools and refreshments. Contact Liz Major 841541.

MOTHERING SUNDAY : Celebrate Mothering Sunday at the Blackstock Estate either with an afternoon tea between noon and 4pm or Sunday lunch. All mums will receive a floral gift and a glass of fizz. The grounds will be open for a wander. Ring 01323 848006 to book.

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AFTERNOON TEA: On Saturday April 1 at 3pm, at Hellingly Church, Daisy Pipperage Requests the Pleasure is an afternoon tea and entertainment by Sarah Carpenter, a professional actress and singer, followed by afternoon tea. Tickets £5 from Betty 840915 or Val 871122.

FLOOD RESILIENCE PROJECT: At the parish council meeting it was reported that Councillors White and Hesselgrave had attended the meeting on Tuesday March 7 as representatives of the Cuckmere Flood Forum. Other organisations were well represented at the event, but the turnout from the public was disappointing with only 19 people in attendance. It had though, been useful for those who had attended.

WEALDEN PLAN: At the parish council meeting, Councillor Pinkney reported that the Wealden Local Plan, Draft Submission Document had now been published. Councillor White identified some of the main changes, the period of the Plan had now been reduced and would now only go up to 2028, which would mean a 10-year Plan as it was not likely to be adopted until 2018. The target for housing growth had been reduced to between 14,101 to 12,500 depending on different modelling. The number of houses to be provided per year had changed to 900. The Plan now referred to the South Wealden Growth Opportunity Area, which means that the bulk of the housing would still be in the Hailsham area. The housing which had originally been proposed for west of the A22 in Arlington had now been dropped. There was however, economic development proposed west of the A22 on land near the Boship Roundabout. On the higher model of 14,101 houses, 1,045 were being proposed in north Hailsham, this would mean development at Park Farm, Lower Horsebridge, Danecroft Nursery and the Village. In terms of the impact of the document on the Hellingly Neighbourhood Development Plan it was confirmed that the PC would still be able to include policies on how development would impact on flooding.

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