Hastings group visit our German twin town

Twin Town visit SUS-180521-092701001Twin Town visit SUS-180521-092701001
Twin Town visit SUS-180521-092701001
The annual exchange of visitors from Hastings to our twin town of Schwerte in Germany took place from 4th to 7th May.

Chairman of the friendship association, Reg Wood said: “It was another wonderful weekend spent with our friends in Schwerte. On Saturday we had a large group outing to a beautiful cave complex called Dechenhohle followed by a lovely meal on the outskirts of Schwerte.

“On Sunday there were church services including a special twinning service at St. Victor in the main town square.”

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Visitors from Schwerte will be coming to Hastings over the weekend 21st to 24th September. If anyone would like to join they should email [email protected] telephone 07743487369, visit the Hastings and Schwerte friendship association facebook page or the Hastings Association of Twin Towns website.

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