
Last month's: Neighbourhood Planning meeting was again well attended despite the cold weather! Whilst these meetings are short, they are to the point, updating everyone with the progress being made in the various committees who are all working towards the same goal '“ getting a plan ready for review, submission and ultimately voted through by the parish! It is hoped that by the end of April/early May the first workshop/exhibition will be held, giving us all the opportunity to see the results of their hard work. The Committee's aim, if everything goes to plan, is to have everything agreed and in place for a referendum by the end of the year '“ I will keep you posted but in the meantime, a good place to see what is happening is their website www.spcnhp.blogspot.co.uk.

At the Parish Council meeting: last week it was mentioned that they are very close to appointing a consultant who will be able to guide us towards the acceptance of our Neighbourhood Plan; the appointment may well have been made by the time you read this! The aim of appointing such a person is to ensure our Plan can withstand scrutiny by an Examiner, ensuring we have covered all that we are supposed to, in the detail required, so that when we come to vote on it later in the year and it is passed (fingers crossed!), any developer applying for permission to build will be doing so in a place and manner where there is proof that it is wanted. Please watch this space, along with all village notice boards, to ensure you know what is happening and go along to any meetings that are advertised, we really do need to get this in place to protect the Parish and ensure any future development is suitable for our needs.

Something else that was mentioned at the Parish Council meeting last week which was good news, maybe not necessarily to the village but certainly to the residents of Pease Pottage – things are now looking very positive for a new village/community hall to replace the one that was demolished at Finches Field! It is hoped that by the end of April/early May a company will be appointed to start building it and fingers crossed, it won’t take too long for it to be up and running with help from the residents of Pease Pottage on behalf of the Parish.

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Finally: if you enjoy knitting and nattering or just nattering, go along to Dudley House this afternoon, Thursday, 3 March and enjoy an afternoon of both as well as an afternoon tea in the warmth of their kitchen and sitting room – free of charge! If you are concerned about crossing the High Street on your own, assistance can be provided. What time does this start? 2.30pm and there is no end time that I am aware of; what an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon!

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