EASTBOURNE VOLUNTEERS WITH HELEN BURTON: We've taken over the running of Eastbourne Can

Helen Burton SUS-160113-100959001Helen Burton SUS-160113-100959001
Helen Burton SUS-160113-100959001
Last week Will Callaghan, founder of Eastbourne Can, came into the hub, initially to talk about his company potentially offering our project some much needed tech support.

I have a very limited understanding of technology, and in setting up Eastbourne Volunteers I have found that sometimes you need help in gaining an understanding of what you don’t know you need to know!

We also started to talk about Eastbourne Can and TechResort, two local organisations Will helped to start. Between running his own company and volunteering his time to run TechResort (www.techresorteb.com), a very active project which aims to make Eastbourne a great place for digital, tech and creative people, Eastbourne Can has had to take a bit of a back seat. The project began several years ago and got some great things done locally. Empty shops were spruced up, a huge mural was painted in Seaside, a campaign was started to reduce traffic in Little Chelsea, they ran trials of a what’s on TV system around the town, a group was started to take over the Wish Tower, plus local meet-ups and events took place. It would take too long to mention all the people involved in this work, but they’re all trailblazers doing their bit for our great town.

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I myself attended a couple of Eastbourne Can meetings where some great ideas were shared and networks were formed. William Wardlow Rogers chaired these meetings, and when I was first thinking about setting up the Eastbourne Volunteers project I contacted him and we had several discussions about what form the project should take. Things have certainly evolved since then beyond my wildest expectations, but this kind of joined up thinking and sharing of ideas is exactly what I want to achieve with Eastbourne Volunteers, and, as a result of our conversation, Will Callaghan suggested that Eastbourne Volunteers take on the mantle of Eastbourne Can.

From today, we will take over the Eastbourne Can resources, including a 1,600 strong active Facebook group. If you are a member of the group the only difference you will notice is the name and logo, the core values of Eastbourne Can will remain, the group is for members to promote the great community initiatives, projects and events happening in Eastbourne. This is a space on Facebook to promote your own community work, so if you use Facebook it’s a great place to post your news, information or ask for help. If you don’t use Facebook, you can email us information to share at eastbournevolunteers@gmail.com, phone us on 01323 381811 or drop into our hub at 1 The Labyrinth, 7 Mark Lane, Eastbourne, BN21 4RJ 10am-1 weekdays.

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