
Rhiannon Oliver

Belhurst Cottages

Contact: telephone 01424 882037 or email [email protected]

I have sad news to begin the column this week. Leigh Griffin a stalwart of the village sadly passed away Saturday May 18. He always said with pride that he was born and bred in Broad Oak Brede. As a child he actually lived in our house and went to the local school. He became a postman and with his wife Pat and eventually two children, Mark and Theresa lived in Cackle Street. He also was a retained fireman at the Broad Oak Fire Station. He was an active member of the Brede Primary School PTA and with others helped raise the money to put a swimming pool in the school playground. He became Brede Village Hall Chairman and School Governor, as you are aware he was the Vice Chair of Brede Parish Council He held this village and the surrounding countryside in his heart and did what he could for the community. Later he and Pat moved to a house on the Northiam Road. I am sure there is much that I have missed out and others could add, I know he will be greatly missed by so many people in so many different ways.

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Saturday June 1 at 10am A Neighbourhood Watch meeting is to take place at Brede Village Hall, local MPs and representatives from crime prevention have been invited. Coffee and tea will be available to purchase - arranged by Brede WI.

There will be a Village Dance at 7.30pm in Brede Village Hall for those who like sequence and ballroom dancing. It is very popular. Is there any one in the Village or outside of it who reads this column who would like to start ballroom dancing classes in the village? Please email me if you are interested.

Sunday June 2 at 9.30am - Family Sung Eucharist at St George’s Church Brede. 10.30am Trinity Methodist Church Broad Oak has Mr Owen Birch preaching. On Saturday June 8 from 2-5pm there will be an open day at Winchelsea Chapel to link in with the National Garden Scheme.

Still Sunday June 2 - our cricketers will be playing against Westfield in an away match starting at 2pm lets hope the weather is like last Sunday when the sun shone and the birds sang it was lovely. We definitely need more of it.

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From 4pm – 6pm this afternoon easy listening music will be sung by the lovely Calluna West in the Rainbow Trout, They also inform me that a wooden castle has been erected which has a slide and other fun things in their big play area. So the children can play while the adults are entertained – perfect.

The Red Lion in Brede is offering a set price lunch, Monday to Friday main meal £8.50 they also sell takeaway fish and chips Tuesday evenings. Both pubs have pleasant outdoor seating areas.

Monday June 3 has an inset day at the school. From 10.30am – 3pm Age UK Day Centre will be open for all the light-hearted folk who enjoy dominoes, jigsaws, reminiscence games, a lovely lunch and afternoon entertainment Maureen is still hoping some people will come forward as volunteers as it is a struggle for Zena to do everything on her own before the bus arrives. Please contact Maureen on 01424 883282 if you are able to spare an hour or two.

Late afternoon sees the uniformed groups back with Rainbows at 4pm and Brownies 5.30pm both in the small hall, while Beavers begin at 5.30 in the Scout Hut followed by Cubs at 6.30pm contact numbers for the groups are in the June Parish Magazine available this week from our local shops at 30p

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Tuesday June 4 Brede School reopens after the holiday. At 9.30am the painters for Pleasure will be turning canvases into glorious paintings, have you seen the ones displayed at the Village Hall? They are wonderful; we have such talented people in the Village. Messy Church in St Mary’s Community Hall Udimore is at 4pm. Children take your parents for just over an hours worth of fun- filled activities and dinner for the children is included in the admission price of only £1.

Wednesday June 5 at 2.30pm Brede Mother’s Union meet in St Georges Church for an interesting talk ‘Beneath our Feet’ by archaeologist Sue Lee

Thursday June 6 as usual Sally will be putting the Stretch and Tone people through their paces at 9.30am –10.30am in the Village Hall. It is quite gentle and suitable for all ages.

Friday June 7 Brede Farmers’ Market will be in full swing from 10am – 2pm. Saturday June 8 - celebrate the Coronation of our Queen Elizabeth II by booking a table with your friends for Crowns and Coronets which the Brede Players are presenting. It is ’a music hall’ type of entertainment and is to be held at the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Tables for 8 people are available and bring your own food and drink etc. Tickets available at £5 a head from Bobby Boud 882549.

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