Have you space in your heart and your home to be a foster career? Hear the story of Lizzie, from Banya

Lizzie Timmington has been a foster carer for seven years and says it is the most rewarding job she has done, but more carers are needed

Lizzie, who is a foster carer though Banya Family Placement Agency, says the support and training she receives is excellent, and that helping children is one of the most enriching things anyone can do. Here is her story.

“Being a foster carer is the most rewarding job you will ever do in your entire life. In fact, it is not a job, I wouldn’t even say it is a profession, it is a vocation.

“If you have the ability to love children, if you have a heart for children, you can be a foster carer. If you have space in your heart and space in your home, then you can foster.

“There are children all around the country who are in desperate need of a good home, of people who will take them in, love them and care for them.

“It is not the easiest job in the world but it is the most rewarding. You are dealing with children who are traumatised through no fault of their own, no child ever asks to go through tough times.

“So, how do you do that? It is quite easy – I joined Banya. They are an amazing agency, I would go as far as to say they are a family because we are all there for each other and to look after each other.

“We have training every single month, support groups, fun outings which we go on with the children and our social workers. And we have 24/7 support every day of the year – on the phone, from foster carers and from social workers.

“I feel there is nothing I can’t deal with because Banya are there for me. We need more people who have a space in the heart and their home for children; people who want to make a difference.”

Can you open your heart and your home to a child? If you can, please get in touch with Banya.


Find out more about Banya

Banya is one of the UK's leading Independent fostering agencies and is looking for more foster carers. The agency has been operating since 1996 and has worked with 7,000 children. Currently, it has 145 placements and 114 foster carers. It has been rated as outstanding across all categories by OFSTED in 2022. 

Madeleine Andrews, a supervising social worker with Banya, said prospective carers should consider a number of questions:

– Have you a permanent spare room in your home?

– Do you work well with children?

– Do you want a rewarding and challenging career?

– Do you like the idea of working from your own home?

– Do you want to make a difference and help a child build a new life?

– Do you believe all children deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential?

Madeleine added: “If you answered yes to all of the questions you will make an excellent foster carer and we would love to hear from you.”

To find out more go to www.banya.co.uk, email [email protected], or call 0800 989 0135 or 07841338056.

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