Chichester Armistice commemoration: How schools played their part in pictures

Prebendal School boy during the History Activity Morning. Picture contributedPrebendal School boy during the History Activity Morning. Picture contributed
Prebendal School boy during the History Activity Morning. Picture contributed
Chichester came together to remember those who fell in the First World War on Sunday, and a number of local schools marked the occasion with their own special ceremonies and displays.

Bishop Luffa held a whole school service, which was attended by Mayor Martyn Bell and his wife, representatives from the British Legion and the Regiment Royal Artillery.

Students congregated on the field to hear a selection of readings, thoughts and prayers, whilst wreathes were laid, and the Last Post was played, before a two minutes silence. Mayor Martyn Bell said the idea was 'tremendous'.

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Bishop Luffa headteacher Austen Hindman said it was a 'very special event', in the making since 2014.Read more here.

Prebendal School boy during the History Activity Morning. Picture contributedPrebendal School boy during the History Activity Morning. Picture contributed
Prebendal School boy during the History Activity Morning. Picture contributed

Oakwood School took part with a Great War project. Year One and Two children participated in World War I re-enactments thanks to a visit from Portals to the Past who provide 'outstanding historical workshops' to schools. Portals to the Past photographed pupils with a 100-year-old camera (see above gallery).

A school spokesman said: "Children brought in medals from relations and spent time researching family history, leading to some really lovely family conversations. Across the school, we've investigated life in the trenches and the role of animals in the Great War.

"On Friday, our Year 6 led a moving whole school assembly (photo attached) on the theme of the War. The weather blessed us Friday afternoon and we were able to head to Sennicott's church, walking through the woods to get there, for a short service before laying a wreath on the grave of Captain Fenn, the Founder of Oakwood School.

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